Friday, June 3, 2011

Building Blocks

I was just sitting here trying to think about what I wanted to blog about today and absolutely nothing was coming to mind.  Then I thought I just need to start writing and that got me thinking about how each little thing we do every day affects everything in our lives. 

Allow me to elaborate.  The finest novels ever written got started by the writing of a single word.  The largest buildings began with the laying of a single stone.  A one hundred pound weight loss starts with the first workout.  You know a journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step and so on.  You get the point. Everything in life is like that.  You just have to start with the first word, step, the first good decision and keep going from there and before you know it you have achieved your goal.

My goal is to be an excellent writer and I know I will get there one word at a time.

What are your goals and what are you doing to achieve them?

Thank you for reading…

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